
Pictures taken 26th august 2010!

* Born in 2006
* 170 cm.
* Brown
- Very nice, easy to ride and good moving horse!

* K2

* Stradivari

* Upan la Jarthe

* Schwalbenburg

* Kateja

* Inschallah X

* Kalinka XV

* Patricia (DS)

* L´Amour

* Midt-West Ibi-Light

* Merita

* Paloma Bankegård (DH)

* Gefion

* Patricia Bankegård (EDS)

50.000 - 75.000 Dkr.


Stutteri Schnell, by Jens-Martin Due Laursen - Gelbrovej 32, Haxholm - 8881 Thorsø - Tlf: +45 86 96 44 80 - Mobile: +45 26 78 44 80